
Does Threads of Wyrd have an order?

Kinda? Maybe? It depends on your preferences? The publication order versus the timeline order aren't the same, and they will give you different perspectives, but both ways of reading have their merits!

Actual timeline-wise, stuff goes like this: The Kraken and The Canary, Of Flint and Fortune, Of Valentines and Visions, Like Silk Breathing, The Only Story, Unfair Winds.

Do you know about Julian Barnes, though?

Yeah! But I took "the only story" from a line in a Mary Oliver poem. It felt very Lennie and David to me. The initially published trio's respective titles (LSB, TOS, UW) all come from her poetry.

Does Lennie have DID?

No. See this post.

Why don't you write out Alastair or Theo's accents?

Everyone has an accent. You have one! I have one! That guy over there has one!

Are you a Scorpio?


Are you a Leo?


What are your hobbies?

I usually wake up at least an hour before my alarm. That's my most consistent hobby. I also like to DJ.

What's your favorite cryptid?

The yeti, Nessie, and selkies.

Why do people die so early in your books?

Have you studied the Victorian or Edwardian periods? Who isn't dying early? Seriously, also, it's just kind of part of the gothic, fable feel I've got going on.


Yes. Sentences wouldn't work without them.