all those lennie vignettes, and happy tuesday

Everyone's fave transmasc pickpocket scowls a lot. Sometimes they don't.

all those lennie vignettes, and happy tuesday
Photo by Jovan Vasiljević / Unsplash

Just so they're all in one handy place, and just in case you missed them... here are all of Lennie's "Five Times" posts. They're actually not really in an order, you can read them out of order if you wish (rare, for my work), and you likely can enjoy them without having read either The Only Story or Unfair Winds. I tried to note spoilers where applicable.

On the other hand, if you haven't read the series at all, this may intrigue you enough to do so. Which I'm not against. The spoilers could be quite helpful in that regard.

Happy Tuesday, and happy summer (or winter, depending on your locale) x